Online ROT5, ROT13, ROT18, ROT47 Encoder / Decoder Tool

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The ROT algorithms are simple shift ciphers. They are not designed to provide any cryptographic security, but to provide an easy means to obscure pieces of text such as messages posted in an online forum or in the Usenet. For example, you want to post the solution of a puzzle. With regard to readers who want to solve the puzzle on their own, you should reveal the solution only ROT encoded. By that, it is guaranteed that those readers who have (accidentally) chosen to read your message will not find out the solution.

The four ROT algorithms ROT5, ROT13, ROT18 and ROT47 vary in the characters that can be encoded/decoded:

  • ROT5 covers the numbers 0-9.
  • ROT13 covers the 26 upper and lower case letters of the Latin alphabet (A-Z, a-z).
  • ROT18 is a combination of ROT5 and ROT13.
  • ROT47 covers all printable ASCII characters, except empty spaces. Besides numbers and the letters of the Latin alphabet, the following characters are included: !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?[\]^_`{|}~

(Source: Wikipedia)

Rot5, Rot13, Rot18 and rot47 examples.

This example shows how the results change when using different ROT versions.

Look at following text encoded with the four different ROT versions:

ROT13 is a variation of the Caesar Shift, it uses a 13 letter/character replacement sequence. Rot13 is still used often today, though more as novelty than keeping any 

ROT13 has inspired a variety of letter and word games on-line, and is frequently mentioned in newsgroup conversations. The cipher is also sometimes known as EBG13 
or EBG-13 because "EBG13" is "ROT13" in ROT13.

The rot13 cipher was introduced into USENET News software to permit the encryption of postings in order to prevent innocent eyes from being assaulted by objectionable 
text. Message boards that reveal the ending of a book or movie have used the Rot13 method to protect others from accidentally reading spoilers.  This is the first 
example I know of in which a cipher with a key everyone knows actually was effective. 

ROT47 is a derivative of ROT13 which, in addition to scrambling the basic letters, also treats numbers and common symbols. Instead of using the sequence A-Z 
as the alphabet, ROT47 uses a larger set of characters from the common character encoding known as ASCII. Specifically, all 7-bit printable characters, excluding space, 
from decimal 33 '!' through 126 '~' are rotated by 47 positions, without special preserving of case. The use of a larger alphabet is intended to produce a more thorough 
obfuscation than that of ROT13, but because ROT47 introduces numbers and symbols into the mix without discrimination, it's much more obvious that the text has been 

ROT18 (also known as ROT13+5) includes numbers 0-9 so that 0=5,1=6,2=7,3=8,4=9 and visa-versa, making it useful for obscuring addresses and phone numbers. However, 
because ROT13 has always left numbers untouched, this variant is scarcely used since there's no way to tell whether ROT13 or ROT18 was applied to the original text.

Encoded with ROT5

ROT68 is a variation of the Caesar Shift, it uses a 68 letter/character replacement sequence. Rot68 is still used often today, though more as novelty than keeping any 

ROT68 has inspired a variety of letter and word games on-line, and is frequently mentioned in newsgroup conversations. The cipher is also sometimes known as EBG68 
or EBG-68 because "EBG68" is "ROT68" in ROT68.

The rot68 cipher was introduced into USENET News software to permit the encryption of postings in order to prevent innocent eyes from being assaulted by objectionable 
text. Message boards that reveal the ending of a book or movie have used the Rot68 method to protect others from accidentally reading spoilers.  This is the first 
example I know of in which a cipher with a key everyone knows actually was effective. 

ROT92 is a derivative of ROT68 which, in addition to scrambling the basic letters, also treats numbers and common symbols. Instead of using the sequence A-Z 
as the alphabet, ROT92 uses a larger set of characters from the common character encoding known as ASCII. Specifically, all 2-bit printable characters, excluding space, 
from decimal 88 '!' through 671 '~' are rotated by 92 positions, without special preserving of case. The use of a larger alphabet is intended to produce a more thorough 
obfuscation than that of ROT68, but because ROT92 introduces numbers and symbols into the mix without discrimination, it's much more obvious that the text has been 

ROT63 (also known as ROT68+0) includes numbers 5-4 so that 5=0,6=1,7=2,8=3,9=4 and visa-versa, making it useful for obscuring addresses and phone numbers. However, 
because ROT68 has always left numbers untouched, this variant is scarcely used since there's no way to tell whether ROT68 or ROT63 was applied to the original text.

Encoded with ROT13

EBG13 vf n inevngvba bs gur Pnrfne Fuvsg, vg hfrf n 13 yrggre/punenpgre ercynprzrag frdhrapr. Ebg13 vf fgvyy hfrq bsgra gbqnl, gubhtu zber nf abirygl guna xrrcvat nal 

EBG13 unf vafcverq n inevrgl bs yrggre naq jbeq tnzrf ba-yvar, naq vf serdhragyl zragvbarq va arjftebhc pbairefngvbaf. Gur pvcure vf nyfb fbzrgvzrf xabja nf ROT13 
be ROT-13 orpnhfr "ROT13" vf "EBG13" va EBG13.

Gur ebg13 pvcure jnf vagebqhprq vagb HFRARG Arjf fbsgjner gb crezvg gur rapelcgvba bs cbfgvatf va beqre gb cerirag vaabprag rlrf sebz orvat nffnhygrq ol bowrpgvbanoyr 
grkg. Zrffntr obneqf gung erirny gur raqvat bs n obbx be zbivr unir hfrq gur Ebg13 zrgubq gb cebgrpg bguref sebz nppvqragnyyl ernqvat fcbvyref.  Guvf vf gur svefg 
rknzcyr V xabj bs va juvpu n pvcure jvgu n xrl rirelbar xabjf npghnyyl jnf rssrpgvir. 

EBG47 vf n qrevingvir bs EBG13 juvpu, va nqqvgvba gb fpenzoyvat gur onfvp yrggref, nyfb gerngf ahzoref naq pbzzba flzobyf. Vafgrnq bs hfvat gur frdhrapr N-M 
nf gur nycunorg, EBG47 hfrf n ynetre frg bs punenpgref sebz gur pbzzba punenpgre rapbqvat xabja nf NFPVV. Fcrpvsvpnyyl, nyy 7-ovg cevagnoyr punenpgref, rkpyhqvat fcnpr, 
sebz qrpvzny 33 '!' guebhtu 126 '~' ner ebgngrq ol 47 cbfvgvbaf, jvgubhg fcrpvny cerfreivat bs pnfr. Gur hfr bs n ynetre nycunorg vf vagraqrq gb cebqhpr n zber gubebhtu 
boshfpngvba guna gung bs EBG13, ohg orpnhfr EBG47 vagebqhprf ahzoref naq flzobyf vagb gur zvk jvgubhg qvfpevzvangvba, vg'f zhpu zber boivbhf gung gur grkg unf orra 

EBG18 (nyfb xabja nf EBG13+5) vapyhqrf ahzoref 0-9 fb gung 0=5,1=6,2=7,3=8,4=9 naq ivfn-irefn, znxvat vg hfrshy sbe bofphevat nqqerffrf naq cubar ahzoref. Ubjrire, 
orpnhfr EBG13 unf nyjnlf yrsg ahzoref hagbhpurq, guvf inevnag vf fpnepryl hfrq fvapr gurer'f ab jnl gb gryy jurgure EBG13 be EBG18 jnf nccyvrq gb gur bevtvany grkg.

Encoded with ROT18

EBG68 vf n inevngvba bs gur Pnrfne Fuvsg, vg hfrf n 68 yrggre/punenpgre ercynprzrag frdhrapr. Ebg68 vf fgvyy hfrq bsgra gbqnl, gubhtu zber nf abirygl guna xrrcvat nal 

EBG68 unf vafcverq n inevrgl bs yrggre naq jbeq tnzrf ba-yvar, naq vf serdhragyl zragvbarq va arjftebhc pbairefngvbaf. Gur pvcure vf nyfb fbzrgvzrf xabja nf ROT68 
be ROT-68 orpnhfr "ROT68" vf "EBG68" va EBG68.

Gur ebg68 pvcure jnf vagebqhprq vagb HFRARG Arjf fbsgjner gb crezvg gur rapelcgvba bs cbfgvatf va beqre gb cerirag vaabprag rlrf sebz orvat nffnhygrq ol bowrpgvbanoyr 
grkg. Zrffntr obneqf gung erirny gur raqvat bs n obbx be zbivr unir hfrq gur Ebg68 zrgubq gb cebgrpg bguref sebz nppvqragnyyl ernqvat fcbvyref.  Guvf vf gur svefg 
rknzcyr V xabj bs va juvpu n pvcure jvgu n xrl rirelbar xabjf npghnyyl jnf rssrpgvir. 

EBG92 vf n qrevingvir bs EBG68 juvpu, va nqqvgvba gb fpenzoyvat gur onfvp yrggref, nyfb gerngf ahzoref naq pbzzba flzobyf. Vafgrnq bs hfvat gur frdhrapr N-M 
nf gur nycunorg, EBG92 hfrf n ynetre frg bs punenpgref sebz gur pbzzba punenpgre rapbqvat xabja nf NFPVV. Fcrpvsvpnyyl, nyy 2-ovg cevagnoyr punenpgref, rkpyhqvat fcnpr, 
sebz qrpvzny 88 '!' guebhtu 671 '~' ner ebgngrq ol 92 cbfvgvbaf, jvgubhg fcrpvny cerfreivat bs pnfr. Gur hfr bs n ynetre nycunorg vf vagraqrq gb cebqhpr n zber gubebhtu 
boshfpngvba guna gung bs EBG68, ohg orpnhfr EBG92 vagebqhprf ahzoref naq flzobyf vagb gur zvk jvgubhg qvfpevzvangvba, vg'f zhpu zber boivbhf gung gur grkg unf orra 

EBG63 (nyfb xabja nf EBG68+0) vapyhqrf ahzoref 5-4 fb gung 5=0,6=1,7=2,8=3,9=4 naq ivfn-irefn, znxvat vg hfrshy sbe bofphevat nqqerffrf naq cubar ahzoref. Ubjrire, 
orpnhfr EBG68 unf nyjnlf yrsg ahzoref hagbhpurq, guvf inevnag vf fpnepryl hfrq fvapr gurer'f ab jnl gb gryy jurgure EBG68 be EBG63 jnf nccyvrq gb gur bevtvany grkg.

Encoded with ROT47

#~%`b :D 2 G2C:2E:@? @7 E96 r26D2C $9:7E[ :E FD6D 2 `b =6EE6C^492C24E6C C6A=246>6?E D6BF6?46] #@E`b :D DE:== FD65 @7E6? E@52J[ E9@F89 >@C6 2D ?@G6=EJ E92? <66A:?8 2?J 

#~%`b 92D :?DA:C65 2 G2C:6EJ @7 =6EE6C 2?5 H@C5 82>6D @?\=:?6[ 2?5 :D 7C6BF6?E=J >6?E:@?65 :? ?6HD8C@FA 4@?G6CD2E:@?D] %96 4:A96C :D 2=D@ D@>6E:>6D <?@H? 2D tqv`b 
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%96 C@E`b 4:A96C H2D :?EC@5F465 :?E@ &$t}t% }6HD D@7EH2C6 E@ A6C>:E E96 6?4CJAE:@? @7 A@DE:?8D :? @C56C E@ AC6G6?E :??@46?E 6J6D 7C@> 36:?8 2DD2F=E65 3J @3;64E:@?23=6 
E6IE] |6DD286 3@2C5D E92E C6G62= E96 6?5:?8 @7 2 3@@< @C >@G:6 92G6 FD65 E96 #@E`b >6E9@5 E@ AC@E64E @E96CD 7C@> 244:56?E2==J C625:?8 DA@:=6CD]  %9:D :D E96 7:CDE 
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