Online Quoted Printable Encoder / Decoder Tool

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Quoted-printable, or QP encoding, is an encoding using printable characters (i.e. alphanumeric and the equals sign "=") to transmit 8-bit data over a 7-bit data path.

The basic Internet e-mail transmission protocol, SMTP, supports only ASCII characters. MIME defines mechanisms for sending other kinds of information in e-mail, including text in languages other than English, using character encodings other than ASCII. However these encodings often use byte values outside the ASCII range so they need to be encoded further before they are suitable for use in e-mail. Quoted-printable encoding is one method used for mapping arbitrary bytes into sequences of ASCII characters. This encoding is reversible, meaning the original bytes and hence the non-ASCII characters they represent can be recovered.

Quoted-printable and Base64 are the two basic MIME content transfer encodings. If the input text is mostly ASCII, quoted-printable results in a fairly readable and compact encoded result. On the other hand if the input is not mostly ASCII then quoted-printable becomes both unreadable and extremely inefficient. Base64 is not readable but has a predictable overhead for all data and is the more sensible choice for binary formats or text in non-Latin based languages.

(Source: Wikipedia)