Online Add / Strip Slashes Tool

If you encounter any errors with this tool attaching the file that causes problems.


Some characters need to be quoted (preceded with an extra backslash \ ) before they can be used in database queries etc. These characters are single quote ('), double quote ("), backslash (\) and NULL (the NULLL byte). This is achieved thanks to this on-line addslashes web tool.

An example use of addslashes is when you're entering data into a database. For example, to insert the name O'reilly into a database, you will need to escape it. Most databases do this with a \ which would mean O\'reilly. This would only be to get the data into the database, the extra \ will not be inserted.

In order to achieve the oposite the stripslashes tool should be used. This utility can be used to clean up data retrieved from a database or from an HTML form.

Running the addslashes tool on the first sentence from this section would return:

Some characters need to be quoted (preceded with an extra backslash \\ ) before they can be used in database queries etc. 
These characters are single quote (\'), double quote (\"), backslash (\\) and NULL (the NULLL byte).